New Schools / Better Neighborhoods promotes the vision of new schools as centers of neighborhoods, and neighborhoods as centers of learning.
California Center for Regional Leadership is a statewide nonprofit organization established to support, facilitate, and promote innovative regional solutions for our major economic, environmental, and societal challenges, to help achieve a more sustainable California.
Speaker's Commission on the California Initiative Process recommends ways to improve the system and make it more responsive to voters.
Speaker's Commision on State / Local Government Finance seeks to improve the dysfunctional local/State relationship caused by Prop. 13.
The Metro Investment Report is the insider's guide to public investment in the region.
California Policy Forum was formed to help create opportunities for California citizens and leaders to meet, discuss and find common ground on sensible long-term reforms to the state's land use, fiscal and governmental policies, and to educate and engage policy-makers in collaborative efforts to implement these reforms.